Our family recently had the opportunity to minister in an Asian Indian Assembly of God church. I must admit that I was not sure what to expect. Even though the pastor and I were great friends and I have had plenty of experience with other cultures, to include numerous ministry trips to Africa, this was a new experience for me. My wife and I prayed and believed that the Lord would bless our time there but we had never been to this church before.
It intrigues me that we often fall back to stereotypes when entering a strange environment. We have no prior experience in a particular setting so we begin pondering statements made by other people of influence. These influences may also include articles read, news media outlets, as well as discussions around the dinner table. We short-circuit what God wants to do through us by believing what others have said.
Our experience with these Asian Indian brothers and sisters was such a blessing and God used us to minister to them in a special way. We were able to meet some wonderful new friends who are passionate for the Kingdom of God and dealing with life issues just like everyone else: A people with the capacity to love and lead others if just given the chance.
What if Jesus had turned away the Samaritan woman who was considered an interracial person and seen as a second-class citizen? Or the woman with an issue of blood – some disease like Aids that would have eventually killed her? Or Namaan: the commander of the Army of Aram, who the prophet, Elisha, told to go and wash in the Jordan seven times and was healed of leprosy in 2 Kings chapter 5? The Gospel could no longer be called the “Gospel” or “Good News.”
But thankfully, God loved the world so much that he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross in order to restore a relationship with him – so that no one who believes in his son would perish (John 3:16). God wants you to know he won’t turn you away if you call out to Him…but you must call…it’s your choice…eternity with…or without God. I pray that you’ll make the right choice and that I’ll see you in heaven some day!