As my family and I walked around the Smithsonian Museum several years ago, we ran into a crowd of people standing in line to look at something. We had already walked through the gem and jewelry section and I couldn’t help but be amazed at the marvelous display of precious stones. But now, I marveled that folks where standing in a line (extending around a corner) to see some sort of exhibit encased in glass.
The glass case that everyone wanted to see held the Hope Diamond, one of the most famous diamonds in existence. When I looked at that diamond necklace I saw just another piece of jewelry. I could not understand why people were taking video footage and pictures of this ordinary—yet beautiful—necklace. A typical male perspective I’m sure! Amazingly, these people stood in line to gaze at the brilliance of a spectacular diamond; even though they could not touch it, take it home with them, or even wear it for just a moment. They stood for quite some time just to look at it because they had heard it was an exquisite diamond.
Sadly, most people fail to see the brilliance of all Jesus Christ has for them. The only way some people might get excited about Jesus Christ is by seeing Him in you, and hearing what other people say about Christians they know. The New Testament states in 1 Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” (English Standard Version)
If God were to let us see ourselves as He sees us today, what would we see? Would we see someone who has been pleasing to Him, or would there be some things of which we are not too proud? Thankfully, God grants instant forgiveness when we ask Him (1 John 1:9). God wants all of us to know that He cares about us, and wants only the best for us. He wants you to know that you are worth far more than any Hope Diamond and He longs for you and I to have a vibrant relationship with Him through His son, Jesus Christ. Are you willing to let God bring out the brilliance in you? There are so many around you who need to see that “hope” in you.