While driving around my town recently, I happened to drive by a Muslim school and mosque. I couldn’t believe that I had not noticed such a thing before and wondered how the reception had been for them here in the south where I live—the Bible belt of Christianity! A few days later I noticed an “Adopt-a-highway” sign whereby a Baha’i group had adopted a section of roadway. What was happening in my own backyard!?
Admittedly, it is a reality that religions and religious beliefs other than Christianity will spring up in my, and your, neighborhood as people from all over the world relocate to the United States of America. But how is the Christian supposed to respond? What is our responsibility?
Jesus Christ gave a wonderful illustration in Luke 10:25-37 when he shared a parable (story) about a Good Samaritan in response to a person of the law who tried to justify himself. Jesus had already shared the two greatest commandments in other verses: to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:39; Mark 12:31). The person of the law repeated this but then asked, “Who is my neighbor?” The Good Samaritan (a people group often outcast and despised) parable shows that it’s our actions that qualify us as a neighbor.
As Christians we should first of all familiarize ourselves with God’s Word—the Bible. Hebrews 12:4 states that the Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. The Christian must know God’s Word and be ready to share it in humility when the Holy Spirit provides an opportunity. We must also try to understand other religions in our communities and work to serve others as Christ served the Church. May we all become like the Good Samaritan and serve others with a cheerful heart—even those people with differing beliefs—bringing glory to God while emulating Christ in our daily lives and sharing his Word when he provides opportunity.
Marshall M. Windsor, D.Min.