Sometimes we don’t realize the impact that our lives have on others by just being nice! Being nice to people sometimes gets overlooked in the business of life and ministry, but really does make a difference in the lives of those around you, as well as in your own life and witness for Jesus Christ.
Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval wrote a neat book called, “The Power of Nice.” They stated that in every single encounter we have with others, “only 7 percent of our communication is verbal. The other 93 percent comes from nonverbal cues such as gestures and tone of voice” (p. 30). Just being nice also comes in the form of patience and listening to the other person with whom you may be having a conversation. My daughter even wrote a little sermonette that talked about time and being nice. Here’s a small excerpt:
“Every second counts in our everyday lives that we interact with people. Their souls could be in danger and you don’t realize it. Just even a smile or a nice ‘hello’ can change someone’s day. When you’re having a bad attitude or day, just remember that somewhere in this world is someone suffering more than you. So you think you have more time to help others get saved? I think not. Jesus could, in a moment, take us up, and we could have saved that person’s life in one moment. I challenge you to think about how you act around people who are different than you. Do you walk on right past them without a smile, or do you smile at them and say ‘hi’?”
We often take it for granted that we have plenty of time in which to share the love of Christ with others, when in reality, we are not even guaranteed the next minute in our lives. Also, the effect of saying something nice with a smile just may surprise you. In fact, the word “hi” can actually be a great conversation starter! Many folks are looking for someone to talk to and if you just say, “Hi,” the door to a new friend may open. Jesus told us in Luke 6:31-32 (ESV), “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. If you love those who love you, what benefit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.” Taking just a moment to smile and say, “hello,” or inquire about someone’s day can begin to open doors of opportunity to share the hope and joy that is within you through the power of Jesus Christ. I pray that happens for you today!
Marshall M. Windsor, D. Min.